A creative asset is any element of an advertising campaign used to convey a message or promote a product or service. Creative assets can include various types of content, such as images, videos, audio, copy, graphics, animations, and more.
Creative assets are designed to capture the attention of the target audience and encourage them to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. They are an essential part of the advertising process, as they play a significant role in determining the success of an advertising campaign.
Six creative asset examples
- TV Commercial: A TV commercial is a video advertisement created for broadcast on television networks or streaming services. They are usually 30-60 seconds long and aim to capture the viewer's attention and promote a product or service. Example: Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign featuring personalised cans and bottles with individual names on them.
- Print Ad: A print ad is a static advertisement that appears in magazines, newspapers, billboards or other printed media. They often feature strong visuals and a concise message to capture the reader's attention. Example: Apple's "Think Different" campaign featuring black and white portraits of notable historical figures such as Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King Jr.
- Social Media Post: A social media post is an image or video accompanied by text that is posted on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. They are designed to be easily shareable and engaging to promote a brand or product. Example: Nike's "Just Do It" campaign featuring inspirational images and messages to motivate their audience to stay active and pursue their goals.
- Digital Banner Ad: A digital banner ad is a static or animated advertisement displayed on websites or mobile apps. They often feature eye-catching visuals and a call-to-action to encourage viewers to click through to a landing page. Example: Amazon's banner ad featuring products related to the viewer's recent search history or purchase behaviour.
- Infographics: Infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. They often use graphics, charts, and diagrams to communicate information in a visually appealing way. An example of an infographic is this one on the benefits of drinking water: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/187603140707279470/
- Email newsletters: Email newsletters are regular emails sent to subscribers that provide updates, news, and information on a particular topic. They can be used to promote products or services, build brand awareness, and engage with customers. Here's an example of an email newsletter from theSkimm: https://www.theskimm.com/archive/2021-04-08